Feeling blue? So are these cyanobacteria! Dr. Ferran Garcia-Pichel recently published in ISME Communications, access the entire article here to explore his latest research on self-organizing microbial communities.

Article: Stronger fertilization effects on aboveground versus belowground plant properties across nine U.S. grasslands
Featured in an ESA publication, Scott Collins, along with several other contributors, takes a look at nutrient supply across several different ecosystems. Read the entire publication here.

Congratulations to GDC Affiliate, Dr. David Eldridge!
Dr. David Eldridge, a Global Drylands Center affiliate, was awarded the 2022 Premier’s Prize for Innovation in NSW Public Sector Science and Engineering. The prize, awarded by the New South Wales Public Service Commission, reflects the cogent and long-standing impact of Eldridge’s work and continued impact. He continues to spread the passion for rangelands at UNSW Sydney. Congratulations, Dr. Eldridge!

Committee member, Dr. Becky Ball, publishes new paper on desert soil arthropods
Published in The Journal of Arid Environments, Dr. Becky Ball, along with two colleagues, published the article “Vegetation influences desert soil arthropods and their response to altered precipitation.” The article details how vegetation/plant cover and varying precipitation affect soil arthropods. Click through the link to read the entire article on how these three factors play into one another.
Is Pluralism Important? Dr. Scott Collins explores in BioScience publication
Dr. Scott Collins recently published “Pluralism in Ecological Research”, an editorial that explores the networks in which scientists participate, and how these networks support the scientific endeavors of those who choose to partake.